Barely social media

Niche allows families, friends, or any group of people with a common interest to privately share, curate, and recall the things that matter to them, safely.

Coming soon!  Niche is currently in private beta. We’ll be announcing cool stuff soon, stay in touch!

Keep things tidy

Create dedicated pages for your events and interests. Share each page privately with relevant people. Niche helps you keep focus and share more consciously.

Focus on content

See what’s shared without being distracted by comments or obtrusive interface. Each page showcases a collection of pure content that’s a joy to browse.

Get inspired

Customize your pages design to look and feel exactly as you want. Niche gives you absolute freedom to express yourself with your own style.

Retrieve what you need

Organized pages with search and filters help you retrieve effortlessly what you need. No need to dig through messy chat history or crowded inboxes.

Control your time

Check things when it’s the right moment for you. Niche is not pushing notifications or fighting for your attention, set your own reminder rules for each page.

Peace of mind

Everything shared with Niche is end-to-end encrypted, meaning that no one can ever access your content, except the people you explicitly share it with.

Stay in touch!

We’re going to launch our Kickstarter campaign and release our public beta in the coming weeks. Subscribe to our private mailing list for early access and news!

We will never spam or share your email.

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© 2020 Niche is a non-profit and open-source project supported by the Felfele Foundation.