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Felfele User Manual 1.0.0

May 10, 2019

If you are interested in the feature set of the Felfele mobile app, you are at the right place. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can do it here. For more information about the release, check out the announcement.

Table of Contents

  1. Onboarding
  2. Home
  3. Favorites
  4. Post Editor
  5. Profile
  6. Settings
  7. Channels
  8. TabBar
  9. Post
  10. Add Channel
  11. Explore


First page introduces the Felfele app and the Foundation, contains a link to the website and a continue button. On the following page you can select a profile picture, and you have to add a name, which will appear in your posts. By pressing done, your channel will be created, and you can start using the application.


This is the default screen of the app. The posts from all the channels you follow are displayed here, including yours. The top of the feed includes the “What’s up?” box, if you click on it, the app navigates opens the Post Editor. On the right there’s the camera icon, which is a shortcut to creating a post with an image. The left button in the Navigation Header gives access to the list of channels of the home screen. With the button on the right you can quickly start following a new channel.


The posts from your favorite channels are displayed here, including yours. The left button in the Navigation Header gives access to the list of your favorite channels.


This is the screen for creating a post. Enter text in the text area, click on the camera on the bottom to create a picture, or open your Photos from by tapping the right button on the bottom. The images appear in the lower part of the Post Editor, an image can be removed by doing a long press. If you are finished with your post, tap the send button in the Navigation Header.


You can change your name and profile picture here. There a link to view all your posts. Show your QR code for your friends, so they can start following you! Also add their channel after they have followed you. You can also share your channel in a text message.


You can send bug reports from here. Long pressing the version number displays the Debug Menu, which contains experimental and debug features. Only use these if you are sure what you are doing.


On the top of the screen you can add a channel, or enter the Explore screen. The channels are displayed here in sections: Channels you follow, Your channels, and you can also find at the bottom Other channels, which you have unfollowed.


The TabBar is the main navigation menu in our application, it gives quick access to the following screens:


A Post is displayed in the Home and Favorite tabs. In its header there’s some information regarding its channel, tapping it will navigate to a view which shows all the posts from that channel. On the top right corner you can find a vertical ellipsis button, tapping it displays the available actions for the Post, on a purple overlay. At the moment it will show a delete button for your posts, and for other posts a reshare button. Click anywhere else on the Post to dismiss the overlay.


This is the place where you can read someone’s QR code to start following their feed, or pasting a link if you have received it in a text message.


We have included some popular channels from reddit and other sources, organized in categories, so you can start following some topics immediately.